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Christ-Centered Relationship coaching for women_20241204_220215_0001.png
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Do you feel lonely and afraid?

Do you feel underappreciated and exhausted?

Do you feel as if everything in the home is your responsibility?

Have you lost the "spark" that you used to have in your marriage?

Is your husband no longer interested in you? 

Are you tired of the fighting and conflict? 

Do you feel unseen and misunderstood?

Do you just want peace in your home?

Is there addiction?  Pornography?  Affairs?

​Are blended family dynamics making you feel crazy?

Do you feel hopeless, like divorce is your only option?

Do you struggle in other interpersonal relationships besides marriage?  


I am a certified Laura Doyle relationship coach.  Laura's books, The Surrendered Wife and The Empowered Wife, introduced me to her Six Intimacy Skills, and with the help of Jesus, I was able to transform my marriage and countless other relationships!  I truly understand what it feels like to have so much pain, both inside myself and in all my relationships.  I would love to share with you what made the difference for me and help you overcome your pain so you can live a joyful, peaceful life and show up the way you want with those you love! There is HOPE!!


Amazing and beautiful things happen when women hold each other up! 

About Janelle

Hi, I'm Janelle!  I'm so glad you're here.  I am a formerly critical, controlling, resentful, and lonely wife who has been transformed by Jesus and the Six Intimacy Skills!!  I now have a life full of joy and peace and a new appreciation and unconditional love for my husband!  I am a certified Laura Doyle Relationship Coach and would love to come alongside you as you transform your marriage, or any other relationship, using these same skills, with Jesus at your side!  There is truly HOPE for your marriage!

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