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By use of this website, and by purchasing any coaching service and/or participating in said service, all clients agree to the following: 


SERVICES: Janelle Simpson will provide relationship coaching that focuses on the individual needs of the client, focusing on goals that the client identifies. This coaching will be highly interactive, based in active listening, and will evoke solutions and strategies from the client.


APPROACH: The client’s well-being is central in coaching. The coach will be respectful of the client’s needs and requests, constructive in providing feedback, attentive to the client’s boundaries, mindful of confidentiality and conflicts of interest, and forthright in addressing such issues if they emerge.


CONFIDENTIALITY: The coaching relationship is confidential. The coach will make every effort to honor the client’s confidence and will advise the client of circumstances that might influence the coach’s objectivity or judgment. The client agrees to keep confidential the stories shared by her coach during sessions. Coaching call recordings (when client requests recording) are for the client’s ears only.  Just as the client shares in confidence, the coach also shares in confidence. Recordings are strictly for your own private use and may not be shared with anyone else.


TIME: Sessions will typically last 50-60 minutes. The sessions will begin and end on time, unless the client and coach have both agreed prior to the start of a session to extend that session. We usually begin with the client sharing her wins for a few minutes before we focus on the area the client is desiring a breakthrough with one specific challenge. Sessions typically end with an invite to a skill from the coach for the client to implement. Then the coach asks for takeaways and acknowledgements for the client.


SESSIONS: The coach and client will meet over Zoom (or other online meeting modality) or by phone, and the link will be shared before the client’s session. It is highly advised that the client create a safe space for coaching that is free of distractions. Coaching will not take place when the client is driving. To foster consistency, 6 session packages should be completed in 3 months and 12 session packages in 6 months. Payment is required to confirm appointments before sessions. Once clients finish their packages they are welcome to sign up for more sessions anytime.


CANCELLATION:If the client needs to cancel an appointment, she must please do so at least 24 hours prior to the coaching session or may be asked to pay for the session. The coach will likewise give the client at least 24-hour notice of change or reschedule prior to any session. I cannot provide refunds for coaching packages or unused sessions.


CLIENT RESPONSIBILITIES:The client is held to a high standard of responsibility and accountability. Accordingly, the client is expected to be resourceful and take full responsibility for doing the work to achieve the desired results. Additionally, the client is welcome to provide constructive feedback about the quality and usefulness of the coaching and be forthright about a desire to restructure or terminate the coaching.


IMPORTANT NOTE: I do not offer advice that must be followed, but rather stories and experiences that may be applicable. Each client is the expert on her own life and on how she interprets this coaching, and I will not be held responsible/liable for any outcome resulting from how client chooses to implement takeaways/methods based on my experiences, coaching, or the Six Intimacy Skills as encountered and outlined in Laura Doyle's books and programs. 

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